Powerful search and replace

Easily search and replace your whole WordPress site.

Supports WordPress 5.4+ & PHP 5.6+ | Plugin Page


Search Regex is a powerful search and replace plugin for WordPress. You can search and replace in posts, pages, custom post types, comments, and other options.

This greatly reduces time to relocate your site, update URLs, images, or any other site wide change.

Easy and Simple Searching

No knowledge of MySQL is required

Quickly search your WordPress data without needing knowledge of MySQL. You can search any post, page, or custom post type, as well as comments, users, and options. Support is included for some third-party plugins, such as Redirection.

Straightforward Replace

Quickly make changes

Matches are shown visually and with contextual information. They can be changed with a click.

Groups of matches can be changed, and a global replacement can be performed.

Advanced Searching

Regular expressions are supported, both when searching and when replacing, allowing very powerful searches.

Wait, it’s free?

Yes, it’s really free. There’s no premium version and no need to pay money to get access to features. This is a dedicated search and replace plugin.